Kids IoT Workshop class4 Report (親子 IoT ワークショップレポート) by Kana

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3/6(日)10:00〜16:00、3/20(日)10:00〜16:00に未経験者・初心者向け電子工作・プログラミングの体験型ワークショップをオンライン開催し、総勢22名の小中学生とそのご家族の方にご参加頂きました。今回のワークショップは2020年12月に開始したシリーズ4回目の開催となります。また、講師2名に加えて、シリーズ1・2回目のワークショップに参加した5名の小中学生の皆さんにもStudent TAとしてレクチャーしてもらいました。ワークショップ1日目はRaspberry Piと呼ばれるマイクロコンピュータにLEDライトやセンサーを取り付け、Pythonというプログラミング言語を使ってLEDライトを点滅させるアプリを作り、2日目はKintone(本ワークショップの協力団体であり、自社プロダクトのクラウドデータベースを無償で提供して頂いています)エンジニアによるKintoneプロダクトの説明、昨年のNASAハッカソン参加者による受賞プロジェクトの内容の概要プレゼンの後、PythonとRaspberry Pi(RasPi)を活用したカメラ撮影・動体検知アプリを作りました。


初めて聞く言葉、見る画面が多く、最初は戸惑いのあった参加者も多かったかと思いますが、作業工程を進める内に集中する場面も増えて来て、特にLEDライトやカメラのリボンケーブルをRasPiに取り付けるといった工作パートは楽しみながら作業されていました。実際にプログラミング指示した内容通りにLEDライトが点滅したり、モーションセンサーによって動きを検知した際の写真がRasPiに接続したカメラで撮影されたり、その写真がクラウド(Kintone)に自動的に続けて保存されていった時の感動で、皆さんが満面の笑顔になっていたのがとても印象的でした。参加者によって作業の進行速度が異なった為、時にはbreakout roomに分かれてトラブルシューティングを行いつつも、最終的に参加者全員がワークショップを完走することが出来ました。途中で問題の解決方法を参加者同士でzoomチャットに共有する助け合いの動きもあり、リモート環境下でも参加者全員がone teamとなっていました。







最後に、本記事を読んで今後開催予定のシリーズ5回目のワークショップ参加に興味を持たれた方、また今回のワークショップを機にプログラミングやIoT分野にさらに興味を持って頂き、Binnovative主催のその他イベント(ミニハッカソンなど)への参加や次回ワークショップへのTAとしての参加にご関心がある方は、ぜひ までご連絡下さい。



On March 6th and 20th, Binnovative held a 2-day electronics and programming workshop for new and novice learners. A total of 22 elementary/middle schoolers and their family participated in the workshop online. It was the fourth session of the Family IoT Workshop series which started in December, 2020. Not only two professional lecturers, but also five elementary/middle schoolers who participated in the first and second sessions led the workshop as teaching assistants(TA) this time.

On Day 1, participants worked on attaching LED lights and motion sensors to a microcomputer called Raspberry Pi or RasPi, and making apps to switch LED lights by using a programming language called Python. On Day 2, after the presentations on Kintone* products by their engineers and the NASA Hackathon awarded project overviews by the project team, participants made photo shooting and motion detecting apps by using Python and RasPi. (*Kintone is the company supporting the Binnovative workshop by providing their cloud database for free.)

Although some participants struggled with new words and screen views in the beginning, as they moved forward, they started to concentrate on and enjoy the workshop. They had fun especially at electronics processes such as attaching LED lights and camera ribbon cables to RasPi. We could see participants pleased with their work when they actually saw LED lights turning on and off as they programmed; photos being taken by the camera connected to RasPi in response to the motions detected by the sensor; and these photos automatically being uploaded in the cloud Kintone.

Despite the difference in progress speed within participants, everyone accomplished the workshop in the end with the support for troubleshooting in the breakout room. We also captured some moments that participants themselves help each other by sharing tips on how one solved the technical issues in the zoom chat. Definitely, there was a “one team” vibe in the group even under the virtual settings.

After the workshop, we received a lot of positive feedback from the kids. Here are some comments: “the workshop was simply so fun,” “I’m so glad that I actually made it,” and “I want to join the workshop again.” Furthermore, some were so stimulated by what their peer TA and NASA Hackathon teams achieved that they were also eager to join the workshop as TA next time and to participate in a hackathon aiming for engineering skills. We are glad to find our workshop improved their intellectual curiosity and motivations even more, and made them feel closer to technology.

Their families were also highly satisfied with the workshop as their kids successfully accomplished the work thanks to the thorough support from lecturers and well-organized handouts shared in advance. Some mentioned that they were pleased to see their kids gain confidence by completing such a challenging workshop. They also said that they learned the importance of giving autonomy as kids concentrated more when they were working by themselves than when working with their family. There were many meaningful lessons for both kids and their family within two days.

We really appreciate how deeply participants committed to the workshop. People were proactively asking questions and making confirmations with lecturers and TA throughout the workshop. We saw great passions from all, although it was a very long session for 12 hours in total. For those who participated for two full days, thank you again for your hard work!

Lastly, if you are interested in participating the next workshop (the fifth session) as a participant or TA, and any other events led by Binnovative such as hackathon, please feel free to contact us:

By Kana Shinozaki