register now for nasa iSAC Boston !!
Please choose type of team and check out one.
** Refer to info session presentation **About NASA ISAC boston
The International Space Apps Challenge (ISAC) is an international mass collaborative hackathon focused on space exploration that takes place over 48-hours in cities around the world. The event embraces collaborative problem solving with a goal of producing relevant open-source solutions to address global needs applicable to both life on Earth and life in space. NASA is leading this global collaboration along with a number of additional government collaborators and 100+ local partner organizations.

2018 event dates
Information session (ISAC Boston)
When : 9/27 (Thursday) 19:00 -20:30
Where : Cambridge Innovation Center (1 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02142)
International team ideathon
(*Only for International team attendees*)
When : 10/5 (Friday) 19:30-22:00 (EST) for Boston attendees
10/6 (Saturday) 8:30-11:00(JST) for Attendees in Japan
Where : Where : Cambridge Innovation Center (1 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02142) for Boston attendees
When : 10/20 ~ 21 (2 days)
Were : CIC Boston (50 Milk Street, Boston, MA 02109)
Boston Local teams
2018 is the fifth time that NASA ISAC is held in Boston. To participate, you can form your own teams among your friends. Please make sure that all of your team members register and show up at the event. The event provides opportunity for everyone to improve your coding skills, get involved in Boston’s hackathon community, cultivate team collaboration skills, and… to have a blast with your teammates!!
International Teams
In addition to hosting our local teams, Boston will also host several special teams. These international teams comprise of members from both the Boston and Tokyo ISAC, and satellite locations at U-Tokyo and will collaborate across continents.
During the hackathon, we bring together select participants to form teams comprising of people from Japan and Boston. These international teams are exciting collaboration opportunities to allow participants to develop multi-cultural perspective since team-members work collaboratively across the ocean.Each international team consists of about 5-8 participants from Japan and Boston (i.e. 3 from Japan, 3 from Boston) with diverse technical and professional backgrounds. The participants from Japan will join you via communication tools such as Google Hangout and Skype.If you are interested in innovation and cross-cultural collaboration, this truly one of a kind experience is for you.
** If you want to be a part of international team, you have to be able to attend the Ideathon on 10/5 (Friday 7pm-10pm EDT) at Cambridge Innovation Center @ Kendall Square (FYI Tokyo attendee: 10/6 (Sat)8:30〜11:00(JST)).
If you miss to attend this ideathon meeting, you will join to one of international team based on your skill and interest.
Any question regarding attending international team, please e-mail info@spaceappboston.org . **

2018 Challenge Theme:
Earth and Space
Each year the Space Apps Global Organizing team puts forth a series of challenges. Teams of participants at Space Apps locations around the world work together to devise creative and innovative solutions to these challenges.
Space Apps projects don’t have to be apps and you don’t need to be a programmer to participate. Participants will collaborate to build open-source software, hardware, data visualization, and citizen science platform solutions aimed at addressing global challenges. We invite anyone with an interest in Space Apps and its mission to join. Teams need people of diverse skillsets — project managers, designers, artists, educators, writers, and anyone who wants to make a difference and address the challenges posed. You can contribute! In fact, most teams will benefit from having non-programmers working with them.
The overarching theme of the 2017 challenges is “Earth”, underscoring the connections between major challenges, and the potential solutions to them, both on Earth and in space.
2018 Challenge Categories
1. Can You Build A…
2. Help Others Discover the Earth
3. Volcanoes, Icebergs, and Asteroids (oh my)
4. What the World Needs Now is…
5. An Icy Glare
6. A Universe of Beauty and Wonder

Of course, caffeine is also provided!
big thanks to our sponsors and supporters !
Why do we need sponsors?
What opportunities do sponsors get?
Interested in sponsoring us?
Space Apps Challenge is organized by all volunteers. We don’t charge fee to attendees, so event is backed by sponsors’ support.
Sponsors contribution will help us reserve a venue, provide meals for participants, and give out prizes at the end.
The event will provide opportunities for the sponsors to advertise, meet talented individuals, and to facilitate technological innovations in the Boston community.
Please email us at outreach@spaceappsboston.org

about the organizer
Binnovative is a non-profit organization which strives to provide opportunities to communities in Japan and Boston to foster their entrepreneurial mindset as well as multicultural perspectives. Binnovative organizes and leads the Boston venue of the ISAC for the fourth time this year.